Course Detail


Our company, eQaida, is dedicated to making the teachings of the Holy Quran accessible to everyone. As a divine source of guidance for humanity until the Day of Judgment, the Quran is originally in Arabic, requiring non-Arabic speakers to understand it through translation.

In this course, students learn the Urdu and English translation of selected chapters from Irfan-ul-Quran. They develop a deeper understanding of the Quran’s unique style, similes, metaphors, and both literal and contextual meanings. This helps them grasp the true essence of its message, enhancing their spiritual and intellectual connection with the Holy Quran.

We are proud to be affiliated with one of the most esteemed Islamic institutions of our time, Jamia Islamia Minhaj-ul-Quran. Our faculty comprises distinguished religious scholars and Dars-e-Nizami (7-year Shari’ah Course) graduates, many of whom hold PhD and MPhil degrees. With a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors, we stand out as a leading Islamic educational institute.

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