Course Detail

At eQaida, we recognize Na’at as a profound poetic tribute that expresses admiration for the spiritual and physical perfection of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The tradition of reciting Na’at dates back to the early days of Islam, with one of the most renowned Na’at Khawans of that era being Hazrat Hassan Bin Thabit (R.A.), who dedicated his poetry to praising the Messenger of Allah. Even today, Na’ats continue to be recited across the world, in different languages and cultures, reflecting deep love and reverence for the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
Our Na’at Course is designed to teach students the principles and etiquettes of recitation, helping them develop a melodious and soulful delivery. Students are trained in proper pronunciation, rhythm, and vocal techniques, ensuring their recitation is both heartfelt and respectful. Additionally, they are introduced to classic and contemporary Na’ats, particularly in Urdu, enabling them to develop into skilled Na’at Khawans. Through this course, students not only enhance their vocal abilities but also deepen their spiritual connection with the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
We are proud to be affiliated with one of the most esteemed Islamic institutions of our time, Jamia Islamia Minhaj-ul-Quran. Our faculty comprises distinguished religious scholars and Dars-e-Nizami (7-year Shari’ah Course) graduates, many of whom hold PhD and MPhil degrees. With a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors, we stand out as a leading Islamic educational institute.