Course Detail


At eQaida, we emphasize the importance of Fiqh, which in its literal sense means understanding, knowledge, and comprehension. In Islamic terminology, Fiqh refers to the profound knowledge of Islamic teachings and the ability to apply them in daily life. It serves as a comprehensive guide that classifies actions into categories such as Farz (obligatory), Wajib (necessary), Mustahab (recommended), Mubah (permissible), and Haram (forbidden). Understanding these rulings enables individuals to practice Islam correctly while making informed decisions based on logic and evidence.

Our Fiqh Course is designed to provide students with essential knowledge of Islamic law, covering fundamental aspects of worship, purification, daily supplications, and the core pillars of Islam. Through this structured learning, students gain a clear understanding of Islamic commandments and their application in practical life. This course not only enhances religious awareness but also helps individuals develop a disciplined and spiritually fulfilling lifestyle in accordance with Islamic teachings.

We are proud to be affiliated with one of the most esteemed Islamic institutions of our time, Jamia Islamia Minhaj-ul-Quran. Our faculty comprises distinguished religious scholars and Dars-e-Nizami (7-year Shari’ah Course) graduates, many of whom hold PhD and MPhil degrees. With a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors, we stand out as a leading Islamic educational institute.

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